Codepage 1256, deficient though it is, must be accounted the effective standard. The following table basically follows it, except that Persian letters are inserted where the Persians insert them, and the plain vowels come before the nunnated ones.
Pairs of code or glyph numbers like 0100/0101 or C5/E5 give UPPER-CASE/lower-case variants. Digraph transliterations are indicated between slashes, as /sh/. All numbers are hexadecimal.
Letter 1256 Un EC Transliteration(s) Coding of (Parenthesized Glyph) ========================================================================================= hamza C1 0621 c (smooth breathing) (Un 2019; ANSI 92; DS 84 or 92) 'alif + ma!dda C2 0622 !@ * 'alif + hamza (above) C3 0623 !' * wa!w + hamza C4 0624 w' * 'alif + hamza (below) C5 0625 !" * ya!c + hamza C6 0626 e' * ('alif + waSla) -- 0671 !~ nil ; apostrophe * 'alif C7 0627 ! smooth breathing ; (a + macron) ; (Un 0100/0101; DS C5/E5) nil * ba!' C8 0628 b b pih [P] 81 1662 p p ta!' marbuwTa+ C9 0629 + t ; h ; nil * ta!' CA 062A t t tha!' CB 062B % /th/ ; (t + underscore) (Un 1E6E/1E6F) jiym CC 062C j j; /dj/ (EI) ; /dsch/ * chiym [P] 8D 1670 C /ch/ ; (c + hachek) (Un 010C/010D) Ha!c CD 062D H (h + underdot) (Un 1E24/1E25; DS DD/81 ) kha!c CE 062E x /kh/ ; (k + underscore) (Un 1E34/1E35) da!l CF 062F d d dha!l D0 0630 ] /dh/ ; (d + underscore) (Un 1E0E/1E0F) ra!c D1 0631 r r za!y (za!yn) * D2 0632 z z zhih [P] 8E 1688 J /zh/ ; (z + hachek) (Un 017D/017E) siyn D3 0633 s s shiyn D4 0634 $ /sh/ ; (s + hachek) (Un 0160/0161; ANSI 8A/9A) Sa!d D5 0635 S (s + underdot) (Un 1E62/1E63; DS 9F/FF) Da!d D6 0636 D (d + underdot) (Un 1E0C/1E0D; DS D1/F1) Ta!c D8 0637 T (t + underdot) (Un 1E6C/1E6D; DS DE/83) Za!c D9 0638 Z (z + underdot) * (Un 1E92/1E93; DS C6/E6) &ayn DA 0639 & rough breathing * (Un 2018; ANSI 91; DS 8D or 91) ghayn DB 063A g /gh/ ; (g + overscore); * (Un 1E20/1E21) fa!c DD 0641 f f (fa!c + 3 dots "veh"?) -- 06A4 v * qa!f DE 0642 q q ; (k + underdot) [EI] * (Un 1E32/1E33) ka!f DF 0643 k k ga!f [P] 90 06AF G g ka!f [Persian style] 98 06A9 K k la!m E1 0644 l l miym E3 0645 m m nuwn E4 0646 n n ha!c E5 0647 h h (ha!c + hamza [P]) -- 06C0 h' /-ye-/ * wa!w E6 0648 w w; (u + macron) ; u * (Un 016A/016B; DS D8/F8) 'alif maqSuwra+ EC 0649 e a + macron; a + grave * ya!c ED 064A y y; i + macron ; i * (Un 012A/012B; DS AA/82) kashiydah/taTwiyl DC 0640 _ nil * fatHa F3 064E a a Damma F5 064F u u; o[P] kasra F6 0650 i i; e[P] "dagger 'alif" -- 0670 ^ a + macron * fatHatayn F0 064B A /an/ * Dammatayn F1 064C U /un/ * kasratayn F2 064D I /in/ * shadda F8 0651 : repeat previous letter sukuwn FA 0652 # nil === [EI] "Encyclopaedia of Islam" [P] Persian peculiarism * learned footnotes should be provided in at least these locations. Pertinent Unicode Page Names (references to _The Unicode Standard 3.0_) <<>> =========== 0100-017F "Latin Extended-A" (p. 346) 0180-024F "Latin Extended-B" (p. 352) 06xx "Arabic" (p. 389.) 1Exx "Latin Extended Additional" (p. 481f.)