سورة الفجر،
Set Forth
Repeatedly by Way of Examining the YILDUN.COM Qur'ân Text Files
8 May 2001
Ÿafar 1422
anything but English works right, inside the special Qur'ân program or
Islamic database program available for download from
but it
turns out that the underlying text files (except to some extent the
Arabic-script Arabic one) are quite comprehensible to WinWord 9, the
"universally enabled" word processor product included in µsoft's Office
2000. To get to the readable files,
you must download the compressed ones and then apply the special program
LZWDC.EXE mentioned in the fine print at
<< >>.
Alicehajić clearly takes for granted that all of this material is in the
public domain. Who are we to
disagree? But that doesn't mean that we
affirm it either.
We will
present Surah LXXXIX in twelve of Yildun's nineteen different versions. The ordinary English names for the languages
involved are as follows:
Arabic (in Arabic script)
Arabic (in Modern Turkish script)
We omit
seven versions:
Chinese and Japanese are avoided as requiring very special language support to
render text we wouldn't understand a word of anyway. It could all be utterly wrong and we would never notice. The other four languages are written with
plain ASCII A-Z, which the English version suffices to show is possible.
It is
striking that major Islamic languages like Persian and Urdu are missing from
Yildun's repertory. But then we, too,
would like to find the Qur’án (or any other large document) written in those
languages with fonts. In both,
you can find the Qur’án presented as a series of pictures (or as a PDF file,
which comes to the same thing), but that is of no service to the Yildun
database software.
addition to miscellaneous notes enclosed in double parentheses, this piece
contains a small incidental disquistion on the spelling of the vocative
particle in verse 27 and, at the end, some technical remarks more or less
addressed to Mr. Alicehajić.
and above all that, there is a secret agenda here: although this material is
mildly interesting in its own right, we are more concerned with seeing what
WinWord 9 and Internet Explorer 5 make of a radically polyglot document. Can this stuff be made to look on the web as
it looks inside WinWord? And what does
the "Microsoft Office HTML Filter" do, exactly? When we find out, we will report the results
under separate cover.
I. "Bosnian"
U ime Allaha, Milostivog, Milosrdnog!
[89.1] Tako mi zore,
[89.2] I deset noći,
[89.3] I parnog i neparnog,
[89.4] I noći kad odlazi!
[89.5] Da li je u tome zakletva za posjednika razuma?
[89.6] Zar nisi vidio kako je postupio Gospodar tvoj sa Adom,
[89.7] Iremom punim stubišta,
[89.8] Kojima nisu stvoreni slični u zemljama?
[89.9] I Semudom, koji su klesali stijene u dolini,
[89.10] I faraonom, posjednikom kolčeva? -
[89.11] Koji su prevršili u zemljama,
[89.12] Te namnožili u njima fesad,
[89.13] Pa je Gospodar tvoj pustio na njih bič kazne.
[89.14] Uistinu, Gospodar tvoj je u zasjedi.
[89.15] Pa što se tiče čovjeka, kad ga iskušava Gospodar njegov,
pa mu ukaže čast i podari mu blagodat, tad kaže: “Gospodar moj mi ukaza
[89.16] A kad ga iskušava, pa mu uskrati opskrbu njegovu, tad kaže:
“Gospodar moj me prezreo!”
[89.17] Nikako! Naprotiv! Ne ukazujete čast siročetu,
[89.18] I ne podstičete hranjenju siromaha,
[89.19] I nasljedstvo jedete žderačkom pohlepom,
[89.20] I volite bogatstvo ljubavlju neizmjernom.
[89.21] Nikako! Kad se zdrobi Zemlja, u mrvice, komadiće,
[89.22] I dođe Gospodar tvoj i meleci red do reda,
[89.23] I prinese se Tog dana Džehennem -Tog dana sjećat će se
čovjek - a čemu mu sjećanje -
[89.24] Govorit će: “O da sam (što) unaprijed poslao za život svoj!”
[89.25] Pa Tog dana neće kazniti kaznom Njegovom niko,
[89.26] Niti će vezati vezom Njegovom iko (kao On)!
[89.27] O dušo smirena!
[89.28] Vrati se Gospodaru svom zadovoljna, zadovoljavajuća,
[89.29] Pa uđi među robove Moje,
[89.30] I uđi u Džennet Moj!
(( To
one knowing no language closer than Polish or Russian even badly, the above
looks pretty plausible.
(( Once
and for all, let us deplore those deplorable paragraph breaks inside the
verses. We shall try to fix it in all
our specimens and further beautify them with a hanging indent. ))
The Daybreak
In the name of
Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
[89.1] I swear
by the daybreak,
[89.2] And the
ten nights,
[89.3] And the
even and the odd,
[89.4] And the
night when it departs.
[89.5] Truly in
that there is an oath for those who possess understanding.
[89.6] Have you
not considered how your Lord dealt with Ad,
[89.7] (The
people of) Aram, possessors of lofty buildings,
[89.8] The like
of which were not created in the (other) cities;
[89.9] And
(with) Samood, who hewed out the rocks in the valley,
[89.10] And
(with) Firon, the lord of hosts,
[89.11] Who
committed inordinacy in the cities,
[89.12] So they
made great mischief therein?
Therefore your Lord let down upon them a portion of the chastisement.
[89.14] Most
sure!y your Lord is watching.
[89.15] And as
for man, when his Lord tries him, then treats him with honor and makes him lead
an easy life, he says: My Lord honors me.
[89.16] But when
He tries him (differently), then straitens to him his means of subsistence, he
says: My Lord has disgraced me.
[89.17] Nay! but
you do not honor the orphan,
[89.18] Nor do
you urge one another to feed the poor,
[89.19] And you
eat away the heritage, devouring (everything) indiscriminately,
[89.20] And you
love wealth with exceeding love.
[89.21] Nay!
when the earth is made to crumble to pieces,
[89.22] And your
Lord comes and (also) the angels in ranks,
[89.23] And hell
is made to appear on that day. On that day shall man be mindful, and what shall
being mindful (then) avail him?
[89.24] He shall
say: O! would that I had sent before for (this) my life!
[89.25] But on
that day shall no one chastise with (anything like) His chastisement,
[89.26] And no
one shall bind with (anything like) His binding.
[89.27] O soul
that art at rest!
[89.28] Return
to your Lord, well-pleased (with him), well-pleasing (Him),
[89.29] So enter
among My servants,
[89.30] And
enter into My garden.
There are things to wonder about here as being a proper reflection of the
original or the best of idiomatic English, but the format seems to be correct.
Fecr Sûresi
Eûzübillâhimineşşeytânirracîm Bismillâhirrahmânirrahîm
[89.1] Andolsun Fecre ,
[89.2] On geceye ,
[89.3] Çifte ve teke,
[89.4] (her şeyi karanlığı ile) örttüğü an geceye
[89.5] Bunlarda akıl sahibi için elbette birer yemin (değeri)
[89.6] Görmedin mi, Rabbin ne yaptı Âd kavmine?
[89.7] Direkleri (yüksek binaları) olan, İrem şehrine?
[89.8] Ki ülkeler içinde onun benzeri yaratılmamıştı ,
[89.9] O vadide kayaları yontan Semûd kavmine?
[89.10] Kazıklar (çadırlar, ordular) sahibi Firavun'a?
[89.11] Ki onların hepsi ülkelerinde azgınlık ettiler.
[89.12] Oralarda kötülüğü çoğalttılar.
[89.13] Bu yüzden Rabbin onların üstüne azap kamçısı
[89.14] Çünkü Rabbin (her an) gözetlemededir.
[89.15] İnsan var ya, Rabbi kendisini imtihan edip de ikramda
bulunduğunda ve bol nimet
verdiğinde "Rabbim bana ikram etti" der.
[89.16] Onu imtihan edip rızkını daralttığında
ise "Rabbim beni önemsemedi" der.
[89.17] Hayır! Doğrusu siz yetime ikram etmiyorsunuz,
[89.18] Yoksulu yedirmeye birbirinizi teşvik etmiyorsunuz,
[89.19] Haram helâl demeden mirası yiyorsunuz.
[89.20] Malı aşırı biçimde seviyorsunuz.
[89.21] Ama yeryüzü parça parça döküldüğü,
[89.22] Rabbin(in emri) geldiği ve melekler saf saf dizildiği
zaman (her şey ortaya
[89.23] O gün cehennem getirilir, insan yaptıklarını birer
birer hatırlar. Fakat bu
hatırlamanın ne faydası var!
[89.24] (İşte o zaman insan:) "Keşke bu hayatım
için bir şeyler yapıp
gönderseydim!" der.
[89.25] Artık o gün, Allah'ın edeceği azabı kimse
[89.26] 0'nun vuracağı bağı kimse vuramaz.
[89.27] Ey huzura kavuşmuş insan!
[89.28] Sen O'ndan hoşnut, O da senden hoşnut olarak Rabbine dön.
[89.29] (Seçkin) kullarım arasına katıl,
[89.30] Ve cennetime gir!
(( How would one know? Nothing obviously wrong with the format, and WinMe/Office2K is able to find a proper font for it. ))
IV. French
L'Aube (Al-Fajr)
Au nom d'Allah, le Tout Miséricordieux, le Très Miséricordieux.
[89.1] Par l'Aube!
[89.2] et par les dix nuits !
[89.3] Par le pair et l'impair!
[89.4] Et par la nuit quand elle s'écoule!
[89.5] N'est-ce pas là un serment, pour un doué d'intelligence?
[89.6] N'as-tu pas vu comment ton Seigneur a agi avec les Aad
[89.7] [avec] Iram, [la cité] à la colonne remarquable,
[89.8] dont jamais pareille ne fut construite parmi les villes?
[89.9] et avec les Tamud qui taillaient le rocher dans la vallée?
[89.10] ainsi qu'avec Pharaon, l'homme aux épieux?
[89.11] Tous, étaient des gens qui transgressaient dans [leurs] pays,
[89.12] et y avaient commis beaucoup de désordre.
[89.13] Donc, ton Seigneur déversa sur eux un fouet du châtiment.
[89.14] Car ton Seigneur demeure aux aguets.
[89.15] Quant à l'homme, lorsque son Seigneur l'éprouve en l'honorant et en
le comblant de bienfaits, il dit: ‹Mon Seigneur m'a honoré›.
[89.16] Mais par contre, quand Il l'éprouve en lui restreignant sa
subsistance, il dit: ‹Mon Seigneur m'a avili›.
[89.17] Mais non! C'est vous plutòt, qui n'êtes pas généreux envers les
[89.18] qui ne vous incitez pas mutuellement à nourrir le pauvre,
[89.19] qui dévorez l'héritage avec une avidité vorace,
[89.20] et aimez les richesses d'un amour sans bornes.
[89.21] Prenez garde! Quand la terre sera complètement pulvérisée,
[89.22] et que ton Seigneur viendra ainsi que les Anges, rang par rang,
[89.23] et que ce jour-là, on amènera l'Enfer; ce jour-là, l'homme se
rappellera. Mais à quoi lui servira de
se souvenir?
[89.24] Il dira: ‹Hélas! Que n'ai-je fait du bien pour ma vie future!
[89.25] Ce jour-là donc, nul ne saura châtier comme Lui châtie,
[89.26] et nul ne saura garrotter comme Lui garrotte.
[89.27] ‹Ô toi, âme apaisée,
[89.28] retourne vers ton Seigneur, satisfaite et agréée;
[89.29] entre donc parmi Mes serviteurs,
[89.30] et entre dans Mon Paradis›.
(( The
fifth word in verse 17 should be plutôt. Or anyway, the µsoft
"French France" (sic) spelling checker doesn't like it as it
stands, and that's how we'd fix it. ))
Die Morgendämmerung
Im Namen Allahs, des Gnädigen, des Barmherzigen.
[89.1] Bei der Morgendämmerung,
[89.2] Und den zehn Nächten,
[89.3] Und beim Geraden und Ungeraden,
[89.4] Und der Nacht, wenn sie vergeht;
[89.5] Hierin ist wahrlich ausreichender Beweis für einen Verständigen.
[89.6] Hast du nicht gesehen, wie dein Herr mit den Àd verfuhr,
[89.7] Dem Volk von Iram, Besitzer von hohen Burgen,
[89.8] Dergleichen nicht erschaffen ward in (anderen) Städten,
[89.9] Und den Thamüd, die die Felsen aushieben im Tal,
[89.10] Und Pharao, dem Herrn von gewaltigen Zelten?
[89.11] Die frevelten in den Städten,
[89.12] Und viel Verderbnis darin stifteten.
[89.13] Drum ließ dein Herr die Peitsche der Strafe auf sie fallen.
[89.14] Wahrlich, dein Herr ist auf der Wacht.
[89.15] Wenn sein Herr den Menschen prüft, indem Er ihn ehrt und Gnaden auf
ihn häuft, dann spricht er: «Mein Herr hat mich geehrt.»
[89.16] Wenn Er ihn aber prüft, indem Er ihm seine Versorgung verkürzt,
dann spricht er: «Mein Herr hat mich erniedrigt.»
[89.17] Nein, doch ihr ehrt nicht die Waise
[89.18] Und treibet einander nicht an, den Armen zu speisen,
[89.19] Und ihr verzehrt das Erbe (anderer) ganz und gar,
[89.20] Und ihr liebt den Reichtum mit unmäßiger Liebe.
[89.21] Nein, wenn die Erde zu Staub zermalmt wird;
[89.22] Und dein Herr kommt und (auch) die Engel, in Reihen gereiht;
[89.23] Und die Hölle nahegebracht wird an jenem Tage. An jenem Tage wird
der Mensch eingedenk sein, aber was wird ihm dann sein Gedenken frommen?
[89.24] Er wird sprechen: «O hätte ich doch im voraus für (dieses) mein
Leben Vorsorge getroffen!»
[89.25] Keiner kann strafen, wie Er an jenem Tage strafen wird.
[89.26] Und keiner bindet so fest, wie Er festbinden wird.
[89.27] (Doch) du, o beruhigte Seele,
[89.28] Kehre zurück zu deinem Herrn, befriedigt in (Seiner) Zufriedenheit!
[89.29] So tritt denn ein unter Meine Diener,
[89.30] Und tritt ein in Meinen Garten!
(( Vielleicht, aber "von gewaltigen Zelten"
klingt nicht ganz und gar ausgezeichnet.... Close
enough for government work. Anyway,
here's the real problem coming up: ))
VI. Arabic
الفجر بسم
الله الرحمن
عشر [89.2]
والوتر [89.3]
اذا يسر [89.4]
في ذلك قسم
لذي حجر [89.5]
تر كيف فعل
ربك بعاد [89.6]
ذات العماد [89.7]
لم يخلق مثلها
في البلاد [89.8]
الذين جابوا
الصخر بالواد
ذي الاوتاد [89.10]
طغوا في
البلاد [89.11]
فيها الفساد [89.12]
عليهم ربك سوط
عذاب [89.13]
ربك لبالمرصاد
الانسان اذا
ماابتلاه ربه
فاكرمه ونعمه
فيقول ربي
اكرمن [89.15]
اذا ماابتلاه
فقدر عليه
رزقه فيقول
ربي اهانن [89.16]
بل لاتكرمون
اليتيم [89.17]
على طعام
المسكين [89.18]
التراث اكلا
لما [89.19]
المال حبا جما
اذا دكت الارض
دكا دكا [89.21]
ربك والملك
صفا صفا [89.22]
يومئذ بجهنم
يومئذ يتذكر
الانسان وانى له
الذكرى [89.23]
ياليتني قدمت
لحياتي [89.24]
لايعذب عذابه
احد [89.25]
وثاقه احد [89.26]
المطمئنة [89.27]
الى ربك راضية
مرضية [89.28]
في عبادي [89.29]
جنتي [89.30]
(( Not
so very happy. To start with, there was
a hard page break after verse 22 that has been simply removed. The numbers were evidently intended to come after
the verses, but why they don't consistently is anybody's guess. The text was not in "Windows
Arabic" (Codepage 1256), but in something kinda like ASMO 708. Let us work on it a little . . . .
(( . .
. After editing the whole file by deleting ALL the square brackets, which are
hardly necessary to set off the verse numbers when the latter are given in
Eurodigits, and by deleting all the gratuitous page breaks, and then after
tinkering with the header here a little, and fixing the number in verse eight,
we get this slightly clearer picture of Surah LXXXIX: ))
سورة الفجر
الله الرحمن
عشر 89.2
والوتر 89.3
اذا يسر 89.4
في ذلك قسم
لذي حجر 89.5
تر كيف فعل
ربك بعاد 89.6
ذات العماد 89.7
لم يخلق مثلها
في البلاد 89.8
الذين جابوا
الصخر بالواد
ذي الاوتاد 89.10
طغوا في
البلاد 89.11
فيها الفساد 89.12
عليهم ربك سوط
عذاب 89.13
لبالمرصاد 89.14
الانسان اذا
ماابتلاه ربه
فاكرمه ونعمه
فيقول ربي
اكرمن 89.15
اذا ماابتلاه
فقدر عليه
رزقه فيقول
ربي اهانن 89.16
بل لاتكرمون
اليتيم 89.17
على طعام
المسكين 89.18
التراث اكلا
لما 89.19
المال حبا جما
اذا دكت الارض
دكا دكا 89.21
ربك والملك
صفا صفا 89.22
يومئذ بجهنم
يومئذ يتذكر
الانسان وانى له
الذكرى 89.23
ياليتني قدمت
لحياتي 89.24
لايعذب عذابه
احد 89.25
وثاقه احد 89.26
المطمئنة 89.27
الى ربك راضية
مرضية 89.28
في عبادي 89.29
جنتي 89.30
Mais où sont mesdames les voyelles? ))
VII. Spanish
El alba (Al fayr)
¡En el nombre de Alá, el Compasivo, el Misericordioso!
[89.1] ¡Por el alba!
[89.2] ¡Por diez noches!
[89.3] ¡Por el par y el impar!
[89.4] ¡Por la noche cuando transcurre...
[89.5] ¿No es esto un juramento para el dotado de intelecto?
[89.6] ¿No has visto cómo ha obrado tu Señor con los aditas,
[89.7] con Iram, la de las columnas,
[89.8] sin par en el país,
[89.9] con los tamudeos, que excavaron la roca en el valle,
[89.10] con Faraón el de las estacas,
[89.11] que se habían excedido en el país
[89.12] y que habían corrompido tanto en él?
[89.13] Tu Señor descargó sobre ellos el azote de un castigo.
[89.14] Tu Señor está, sí, al acecho.
[89.15] El hombre, cuando su Señor le prueba honrándolo y concediéndole
gracias, dice: «¡Mi Señor me ha honrado!»
[89.16] En cambio. cuando le prueba restringiéndole su sustento, dice: «¡Mi
Señor me ha despreciado!»
[89.17] ¡No! Sois vosotros, más bien, los que no honráis al huérfano,
[89.18] ni os animáis unos a otros a alimentar al pobre,
[89.19] sino que devoráis vorazmente la herencia y
[89.20] amáis la hacienda con desordenado amor.
[89.21] ¡No! Cuando la Tierra sea reducida a polvo fino
[89.22] y venga tu Señor con los ángeles en filas,
[89.23] ese día se traerá la gehena, ese día el hombre se dejará amonestar
-y ¿de qué le servirá entonces la amonestación?-
[89.24] y dirá: «¡Ojalá hubiera enviado por delante para mi vida!»
[89.25] Ese día nadie castigará como Él,
[89.26] nadie atará como Él.
[89.27] «¡Alma sosegada!
[89.28] ¡Vuelve a tu Señor, satisfecha, acepta!
[89.29] ¡Y entra con Mis siervos,
[89.30] Entra en Mi Jardín!»
(( VIIa.
"Mexican" ))
El alba
¡En el nombre de Alá, el Compasivo, el Misericordioso!
[89.1] ¡Por el
[89.2] ¡Por
diez noches!
[89.3] ¡Por el
par y el impar!
[89.4] ¡Por la
noche cuando transcurre...
[89.5] ¿No es
esto un juramento para el dotado de intelecto?
[89.6] ¿No has
visto cómo ha obrado tu Señor con los aditas,
[89.7] con
Iram, la de las columnas,
[89.8] sin par
en el país,
[89.9] con los
tamudeos, que excavaron la roca en el valle,
[89.10] con
Faraón el de las estacas,
[89.11] que se
habían excedido en el país
[89.12] y que
habían corrompido tanto en él?
(( . . .
and the rest of it seems to be exactly the same version also. ¿Le gusta este
jardín que es suyo? ¡Évite que sus
niños le destruyan! ))
VIII. "Brazilian"
Em nome de Deus, o Clemente, o
[89.1] Pela aurora,
[89.2] E pelas dez noites,
[89.3] E pelo par e pelo ímpar,
[89.4] E pela noite, quando se retira (que sereis castigados)!
Porventura, não há nisso um juramento adequado, para o sensato?
[89.6] Não reparaste em como o teu Senhor procedeu, em relação à (tribo de)
[89.7] Aos (habitantes de) Iram, (cidade) de pilares elevados,
[89.8] Cujo
similar não foi criado em toda a terra?
[89.9] E no povo de Samud, que perfurou rochas no vale?
[89.10] E no Faraó, o senhor das estacas,
[89.11] Os quais transgrediram, na terra,
[89.12] E multiplicaram, nela, a corrupção,
[89.13] Pelo que o teu Senhor lhes infligiu variados castigos?
[89.14] Atenta para o fato de que o teu Senhor está sempre alerta.
[89.15] Quanto ao homem, quando seu Senhor o experimenta, honrando-o e
agraciando-o, diz (empertigado): Meu Senhor me honra!
[89.16] Porém, quando o prova, restringindo a Sua graça, diz: Meu Senhor me
[89.17] Qual! Vós não honrais o órfão,
[89.18] Nem nos estimulais a alimentar o necessitado;
[89.19] E consumis avidamente as heranças,
[89.20] E cobiçais insaciavelmente os bens terrenos!
[89.21] Qual! Quando a terra for triturada fortemente,
[89.22] E aparecer o teu Senhor, com os Seus anjos em desfile,
[89.23] E o inferno, nesse dia, for destacado, então o homem recordará;
porém de que lhe servirá a recordação!
[89.24] Dirá: Oxalá tivesse diligenciado (na prática do bem), durante a
minha vida!
[89.25] Porém,
nesse dia, ninguém castigará como Ele (o fará),
[89.26] Nem ninguém acorrentará, como Ele (o fará);
[89.27] E tu, ó alma em paz,
[89.28] Retorna ao teu Senhor, satisfeita (com Ele) e Ele satisfeito
[89.29] Entre no número dos Meus servos!
[89.30] E entra
no Meu jardim!
IX. Arabic (In "Latin" Script)
[89.1] Vel
[89.2] Ve
leyalin 'aşrin.
Veşşef'ı velvetri.
[89.4] Velleyli
iza yesri.
[89.5] Hel fiy
zalike kasemün liziy hıcrin.
[89.6] Elem tere
keyfe fe'ale rabbüke bi'adin.
İreme zatil'ımadi.
[89.8] Elletiy
lem yuhlak mislüha fiylbiladi.
[89.9] Ve
semudelleziyne cabussahre bilvadi.
[89.10] Ve
fir'avne ziyl'evtadi.
Elleziyne tağav fiylbiladi.
[89.12] Feekseru
[89.13] Fesabbe
'aleyhim rabbüke sevta 'azabin.
[89.14] İnne rabbeke lebil mirsadi
[89.15] Femmel'insanü iza mebtelahü rabbühu feekremehu ve na'amehu feyekulü
rabbiy ekremeni.
[89.16] Ve emma iza mebtelahü fekadere 'aleyhi rizkahu feyekulü rabbiy
[89.17] Kella bel la tükrimunelyetiyme.
[89.18] Ve la tehaddune 'ala ta'amilmiskiyni.
[89.19] Ve te'külunettürase eklen lemmen.
[89.20] Ve tühıbbunelmale hubben cemmen.
[89.21] Kella iza dükketil'ardu dekken dekken.
[89.22] Ve cae rabbüke velmelekü saffen saffen.
[89.23] Ve ciy'e yevmeizin bicehenneme yevmeizin yetezekkerül'insanü ve
enna lehüzzikra.
[89.24] Yekulü ya leyteniy kaddemtü lihayatiy.
[89.25] Feyevmeizin la yü'azzibü 'azabehu ehadün.
[89.26] Ve la yusiku ve sakahu ehadün.
[89.27] Ya eyyetühennefsülmutmeinnetü.
[89.28] İrci'ıy ila rabbiki radıyeten merdıyyeten.
[89.29] Fedhuliy fiy 'ıbadiy.
[89.30] Vedhuliy
(( The specifically Turkish aspect of this
rendition really should have been mentioned on the download page, no? Users of the two or three thousand other
Latin-script languages in the world are likely to be a bit perplexed by
undotted-I stuff like this, not to mention get strange ideas about how to
pronounce Arabic.
(( Admire for a moment the second word of verse
A word like that is long enough to have
perspective, as Mark Twain remarked of something else entirely in "The
Awful German Language." The
underlying idea here is
yå ’ayyatuhå n-nafsu
oddest twist is that The Book itself does not make a word break after the
initial yå-, the only place the transcriber
allows one in. Above we saw it as
المطمئنة 89.27
is hopelessly wrong. One does not
write two consecutive ’alifs, not ever.
It is admittedly quite impossible to write the Qur’án correctly with
Codepage 1256. Here is a picture of how
it is supposed to be:
<< link >>
(( Vide
Wright I 295C about both the feminine form and the defective orthography. ))
Bo имя Aллaxa милocтивoгo, милocepднoгo!
[1.89] Kлянycь зapeю (2), и дecятью нoчaми,
[2.89] и
чeтoм и нeчeтoм,
[3.89] и
нoчью, кoгдa oнa
[4.89] Paзвe в
этoм - нe клятвa
[5.89] Paзвe
ты нe видeл, кaк
пocтyпил твoй
Гocпoдь c Aдoм,
[6.89] Иpaмoм,
oблaдaтeлeм кoлoнн,
пoдoбнoгo кoтopoмy нe
былo coздaнo в cтpaнax,
[8.89] и
caмyдитaми, кoтopыe
пpoбивaли cкaлы в
[9.89] и c
oблaдaтeлeм кoльeв,
[10.89] кoтopыe
твopили нeчecтиe в
[11.89] и
yмнoжaли тaм пopчy?
Пpoлил нa ниx
Гocпoдь твoй бич
[13.89] Beдь
Гocпoдь твoй - в
[14.89] A
чeлoвeк, кoгдa
иcпытaeт eгo
Гocпoдь, пoчтит и
[15.89] тoгдa
oн гoвopит: "Гocпoдь
мoй пoчтил
[16.89] A кoгдa
Oн иcпытaeт eгo и
oпpeдeлит eмy
[17.89] тo oн
гoвopит: "Гocпoдь
мoй yнизил
[18.89] Taк
нeт! Bы caми нe
пoчитaeтe cиpoтy,
[19.89] нe
пooщpяeтe пoкopмить
пoжиpaeтe нacлeдcтвo
eдoй нacтoйчивoй,
любитe бoгaтcтвo
любoвью yпopнoй.
[22.89] Taк
нeт! Koгдa бyдyт
pacпpocтepтa зeмля
[23.89] и
пpидeт твoй
Гocпoдь и aнгeлы
[24.89] и
пpивeдyт тoгдa
гeeннy - в тoт дeнь
вcпoмнит чeлoвeк,
нo к чeмy eмy
[25.89] Oн
гoвopит: "Ecли бы я
yгoтoвaл впepeд для
мoeй жизни?" (25). И в
тoт дeнь никтo нe
нaкaжeт eгo нaкaзaниeм
[26.89] и
никтo нe зaвяжeт
eгo oкoвaми.
[27.89] O ты,
дyшa yпoкoившaяcя!
[28.89] Bepниcь
к твoeмy Гocпoдy
дoвoльнoй и
[29.89] Boйди c
Moими paбaми.
[30.89] Boйди
в Moй paй!
(( So
why are all the chapter/verse numbers backwards? Trudno vam skazat'. And what do those other numbers stuck in the text mean? Footnotes?
If so, they aren't preserved in the full file, so we can't copy them out
for you here. No. Silly question. Obviously they are not footnotes, just indicators of
where two Arabic verses have been run together. ))
(( It
would help us foreigners if the Thamudites were capitalized in verse 8. Similarly, if the intention was to
capitalize God's name all the time, some instances seem to have been missed. ))
Al-Fajr (L'Alba)
In nome di Allah, il Clemente, il
[89.1] Per l'alba,
[89.2] per le dieci notti ,
[89.3] per il pari e per il dispari
[89.4] e per la notte quando trascorre.
[89.5] Non è questo un giuramento per chi ha intelletto?
[89.6] Non hai visto come il tuo Signore ha trattato gli 'Âd?
[89.7] e Iram dalla colonna,
[89.8] senza eguali tra le contrade,
[89.9] e i Thamûd che scavavano la roccia nella vallata
[89.10] e Faraone, quello dei pali ?
[89.11] [Tutti] costoro furono ribelli nel mondo
[89.12] e seminarono la corruzione,
[89.13] e il tuo Signore calò su di loro la frusta del castigo.
[89.14] In verità il tuo Signore è all'erta.
[89.15] Quanto all'uomo, allorché il suo Signore lo mette alla prova
onorandolo e colmandolo di favore, egli
dice: « Il mio Signore mi ha onorato».
[89.16] Quando invece lo mette alla prova lesinando i Suoi doni, egli dice:
« Il mio Signore mi ha umiliato».
[89.17] No, siete voi che non onorate l'orfano,
[89.18] che non vi sollecitate vicendevolmente a nutrire il povero,
[89.19] che divorate avidamente l'eredità
[89.20] e amate le ricchezze d'amore smodato.
[89.21] No, quando la terra sarà polverizzata, in polvere fine,
[89.22] e verranno il tuo Signore e gli angeli schiere su schiere,
[89.23] in quel Giorno sarà avvicinata l'Inferno, in quel Giorno l'uomo si
rammenterà . Ma a cosa gli servirà rammentarsi?
[89.24] Dirà: «Ahimé! Se avessi mandato avanti qualcosa per la mia vita
[89.25] In quel
Giorno nessuno castigherà come Lui castiga,
[89.26] e nessuno incatenerà come Lui incatena.
[89.27] "O anima ormai acquietata ,
[89.28] ritorna al tuo Signore soddisfatta e accetta;
[89.29] entra tra i Miei servi,
[89.30] entra
nel Mio Paradiso".
XII. Albanian
Me emrin e All-llahut, Mëshiruesit, Mëshirëbërësit!
[89.1] Pasha
[89.2] Pasha
dhjetë netët!
[89.3] Pasha
çiftin dhe pasha tekun!
[89.4] Pasha
natën që shkon!
[89.5] A janë
këto betime për të mençurin?
[89.6] A nuk e i
ti se ç'bëri Zoti yt me Ad-in?
[89.7] Me banorët e Iremit me ndërtesa të larta?
[89.8] Që si ata (populli Ad) nuk është krijuar askush në tokë!
[89.9] Dhe me Themudin, të cilët shpuan shkëmbinj në luginën (kura),
[89.10] Dhe me
faraonin i fortifikuar me tenda (ushtarake)!
[89.11] Të cilët e tepruan me krime në tokë.
[89.12] Dhe në të shtuan shkatërrimin.
[89.13] E All-llahu kundër tyre lëshoi lloj-lloj dënimesh.
[89.14] Pse Zoti yt është që përcjell (u rri në pritë).
[89.15] E njeriu, kur e sprovon Zoti i tij, e nderon dhe e begaton, ai
thotë: "Zoti im më ka nderuar!"
[89.16] Por, kur për ta sprovuar ia pakëson furnizimin (e varfëron), ai
thotë: "Zoti im më ka nënçmuar!"
[89.17] Jo, nuk është ashtu! Por (punoni edhe më zi) ju nuk përfillnit
[89.18] Nuk cytni njëri-tjetrin për ta ushqyer të varfërin,
[89.19] Dhe ju e hani me të madhe trashëgimin (padrejtë).
[89.20] Dhe pasurinë e doni së tepërmi.
[89.21] Jo,
mosni ashtu! Kur të dridhet toka njëpasnjëshëm!
[89.22] Dhe kur
të vijë Zoti yt dhe engjëjt qëndrojnë rradhë-rradhë!
[89.23] Dhe atë
ditë sillet Xhehennemi, ditën kur përkujtohet njeriu, e ç'dobi i bën atij
[89.24] Thotë:
"O, i gjori unë, sikur të isha i parapërgatitur për jetën time!"
[89.25] Pra, ditën kur nuk dënon si Ai askush.
[89.26] Dhe nuk do të farkojë pranga si Ai askush.
[89.27] O shpirt i qetësuar!
[89.28] Kthehu te Zoti yt i kënaqur (për vehte) e kënaqës (për Zotin)!
[89.29] Hyr mes robërve të Mi!
[89.30] Dhe hyr në Xhennetin Tim!
(( Admirably opaque. But now we reach the finish line with ))
XIII. Finnish
Päivänkoiton Suura
Aloitan JUMALAN, laupiaan Armahtajan, nimeen.
[89.1] Kautta päivänkoiton
[89.2] ja kymmenen yön,
[89.3] kautta (juhlapäivien) luvun ja epäluvun,
[89.4] kautta yön, jolloin lähdetään (kotimatkalle).
[89.5] Eikö tässä kaikessa ole minkä nimeen vannoa, jos kuka sen tajuaa?
[89.6] Etkö ole miettinyt sitä, mitä Herrasi teki Aadille
[89.7] ja Aramin
heimolle, jonka rakennuksia tukivat ylväät pilarit,
sellaiset, joiden vertaisia ei rakennettu muissa kaupungeissa,
[89.9] (ja mitä
tehtiin) Tamuudin kansalle, joka laaksossaan hakkasi asumuksensa suunnattomiin
[89.10] ja
faraolle, sotajoukkojen valtiaalle,
[89.11] noille
kaikille,jotka harjoittivat irstaisuutta kaupungeissaan
[89.12] ja saivat aikaan paljon pahaa.
[89.13] Sentähden Herrasi lähetti heille kurituksen;
[89.14] totisesti Herrasi seuraa valppaasti teidänkin menoanne.
[89.15] Kun ihmisen Herra koettelee häntä antamalla hänelle kunniaa ja
osoittamalla hänelle hyvyyttä, niin hän sanoo: "Herra pitää minut
[89.16] Mutta kun Hän koettelee häntä toisin, niukentaen hänen elatustaan,
silloin hän sanoo: "Herra halveksii minua."
[89.17] Ei, te ette pidä orpoa missään arvossa
[89.18] ettekä kehoita toisianne ruokkimaan köyhiä,
[89.19] vaan te syötte olemattomiin kaikki heidän perintönsä ettekä mistään
pidä väliä ahmiessanne,
[89.20] ja te rakastatte ylellisyyttä koko sydämestänne.
[89.21] Ei, kun tärähdykset panevat maan luhistumaan,
[89.22] kun Herra ilmestyy enkeliparvien seuraamana
[89.23] ja paljastaa helvetin, sinä päivänä ihminen noudattaisi kehoitusta,
mutta miksi hyödyksi on hänelle totteleminen enää?
[89.24] Hän sanoo: "Voi, jospa olisin huolehtinut tulevasta
[89.25] Mutta tuona päivänä ei kukaan rankaise niinkuin Hän,
[89.26] ei kukaan sido niinkuin Hän.
[89.27] Sinä levon löytänyt sielu,
[89.28] palaa Herrasi luo saadaksesi Hänestä lohtusi ja ollaksesi Hänelle
[89.29] astu
siis Minun palvelijoitteni joukkoon,
[89.30] Niin, astu autuuden tarhaan!
(( To
conclude with some purely technical remarks: Mr. Alicehajić, who is perhaps the only person in the world
who will be interested in what I am writing about now, has set up all these
files in the framework of a database system.
All this means is that there must be a header in a specified format and
then the beginning of each surah must be marked with the < @ > sign. It incidentally implies that that one
character cannot be present in the text proper. I had very little trouble setting up a Qur'an version of my own
in his system, but the text turned out to have one surah missing so I shall not
discuss the result until I fix up that little problem.
(( The
Yildun database framework must be where the requirement for those obtrusive
line breaks come from. The freeware
downloadable programs evidently throw away all characters after the 130th on
any given line. Worse, it seems as if
one line that is too long is taken to be the end of the whole series of
lines. In any case, until I went back
and put in newlines, my version of the Baqarah seemed to have only a
handful of verses in it.
Although all these texts but the Arabic-script Arabic look correct enough
inside WinWord 9, as this present document proves simply by existing, I repeat
that none of them but the English works entirely correctly inside either the
Qur'án program proper or the database program that also incorporates these
files. There is always something or
another wrong with the fonts, usually disastrously wrong. It is not apparent how this result could be
due to using Windows Me rather than 98, or using USA Windows rather than an
Arabicized version. And the European
languages with diacritics go wrong too, although not so badly.
(( As
to the Arabic-script Arabic, Mr. Alicehajić's webpage on the Qur'án
<< >>
the following remarkable remark: "If you use an Arabic font with The Koran (Qur'an) software and that
font shows proper Arabic text, then tell me which font you are using so that I
can put that font here for people who do not know which font to use." It sounds as if the author himself never got
the Arabic-script Arabic to look right, does it not? And notice that the pictures of the program on the website show
only text that is either English or too small to be made out.
(( One cannot
simply tell him what font to tell people to use. Now that I have access to the text underlying, I could probably
rework it in such a way that it would generate correct Arabic in conjunction
with a certain font I once made for myself.
Perhaps even in conjunction with one of the older µsoft Arabic
fonts. I doubt that it could ever be
made to match the display of Surah LXXXIX above, however. Just handing over the font in question at
once would be quite useless, since my assumptions about coding Arabic have
nothing to do with those of the text he used.
(( Incidentally,
he calls his latest version of the Arabic-script Arabic a "Unicode"
text. Neither I nor WinWord 9 can
figure out why. It looks like a plain 8-bit coding, almost but not quite ASMO
708. The older version (remembered from
about February 2001) was in one of the MS-DOS codepages, but with everything
written backwards. The reversal made
sense, assuming that the Qur'án or database program is supposed to work on
systems that know nothing about Arabic at all.
The new text that isn't reversed is in fact more perplexing, but
perhaps it works properly under some Arabicized version of Windows? Yet in that case, one would have expected
Codepage 1256....
(( There may exist some configuration under
which either the old or the new text file displays correctly, but I cannot
imagine what that configuration would be.
If Arabic is to be displayed on just any Windows machine, the positional variants of the Arabic
letters have to be handled in the text itself.
That is, the text file would have to contain what µsoft calls "font
page" rather than "code page" values. Neither of the files we are talking about does that. A real Unicode text file could
presumably, using the "presentation forms," do so, but that is not
what the new Arabic-script Arabic version is.
A puzzle all around. ))