Sixteen (16) McScribbles as of 200104071635Z

Ta twn Mellontwn Kuma (234H x 158V

Kindigarten (DOC 15Mar/01 Apr)

Doniach 1287a (555H x 53V)

ECdS Transliteration From Scratch? (W20, 15 Mar-02 Apr)

"Arabic (Massachusetts) 101 Keys" Keyboard For Win9X (ZIP, 02 Apr)

"Arabic (Massachusetts)" Keyboard Blurb (DOC, 02 Apr)

Three Strikes Against "Windows Arabic" (DOC, 07 Apr)

Mechanical Transliteration? (W20, 07 Apr)

Arabic-Script Arabic of "Mechanical Transliteration?" (DOC, 07 Apr)

Fee, ... Foe, Fum

OLDARAB.ZIP -- Wehr, Landau, Tabuimus Minor et. al. (1.3Mb, 1 Apr 01)

Index File for OLDARAB.ZIP (TXT, 1 Apr 01)

Al Ghastly Meets Batman! (DOC, 6 Muh 22)

Encyclopaedia of Islam, Failings of CD-ROM Instantiation of (W20, 5 Muh 22)

VBA -- a Vicious Basis for Anything (DOC, 1 Apr 01)

Yabáb Kharáb! (DOC, 22 Mar 01)

Arabic for Computers (W20, 7 Muh 22)

Index Warracicus (DOC, in progress)

Going Ka'ka' (DOC, 03 Apr 01)

Middlesex Frog Farms
... but seriously....

Black Computers Run Faster!

(This Way to the Egress, Ladies and Gentlemen!)

Pákhardzádeh Sháh Receives President & Fellows of Unidentified Madrasiversity.